Bee Movie Game is a video game based on DreamWorks Animation’s Bee Movie, the new 3D animated film that stands out for its great visual quality. This movie tells an "adults" story similar to "Antz".
Now, you can run, fly and chase around the Bee Movie´s world as you will play the role of Barry B. Benson, a small bee who strives to go beyond his daily tasks and wants to know the outside world. To fulfill the main character´s desire you will have to live intense adventures through the 15 levels contained in the Bee world and among humans. You'll see that this can be really dangerous, especially in a city like New York where every vehicle, every ball or even a simple gust of wind can be extremely dangerous.
In this catching game, you can also participate in funny mini games or face secondary missions. As you move forward, you'll make special moves and attacks to overcome the various obstacles you face. To achieve this, you will also have special skills such as bee vision.
The best of Bee Movie Game´s feature is its graphics quality, virtually, a copy of what you can see in the movie.